Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Eyes, right!

As promised, in the sidebar, there's links to my two short scripts that have been mentioned in one post of another on here. And, one short script that is being filmed. "Love, Mom" is a cute comedy and "Strangers in the night" is what I did with th 4 elements (character names, location and prop) given to everybody in first phase of the the Writer's Arc competition. Some of you have seen both of these already. "Payoff" is a drama, it's been shot and a rough cut is fully assembled.

I hope you like them.

p.s. For those never in the military, the title? It's the command for the platoon you are leading, in a parade, as you begin to march past the grandstand during "Pass and Review". Just more stupid info that some one might be able to use in a script.


At 9:35 AM, March 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweetheart, what's this, posting at 02:03:00 AM... when do you sleep? ;-)

But seriously, 'at ease' Sergeant... take a breather. Now, I'm off to have a read.

At 9:35 AM, March 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweetheart, what's this, posting at 02:03:00 AM... when do you sleep? ;-)

But seriously, 'at ease' Sergeant... take a breather. Now, I'm off to have a read.

At 10:15 AM, March 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to read your scripts, but I can't find them. What sidebar?

At 11:34 AM, March 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My computer freezes when I try to link to your scripts.

At 9:49 PM, March 28, 2006, Blogger Adam Renfro said...

haha, thanks for the "Eyes, right." Off to therapy now.

Totally dig yer scripts, writergurl. Thanks for always sharing.


At 11:45 PM, March 28, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Aleaxandra, I hope you enjoyed them. As for the time, I guess I had a bit of insomnia last night.

Anon... to the right, entitled "My writing" near the bottom of the page. I hope that helps.

Eddie, dude, I dunno why you can't get to them, others can. Try another browser or perhaps clearing the cache on your 'puter will do it. Sorry, wish there was something else I could do.

Slack, no, thank you for reading my stuff! Both the blog and the scripts!

At 2:43 PM, April 01, 2006, Blogger pwstrain said...

I believe it's time to move Julie..Hollywood up to the paid list!

At 12:36 AM, April 02, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

PWS... Mom? Is that you?


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