Monday, December 26, 2005

I am a blogging idiot.

I was trying to figure out how to do the links, THEN (somehow... I dunno how) I managed to turn on the "moderate comments" thing and not even know I had done it!

*hangs head in shame* Sorry...

Soooo, for those of you who have commented lately, it's not that I've been keeping your comments to myself and refusing to publish them... it's that I wasn't even aware that you had made a comment. I don't have blogger notify me when there are comments, so I just thought y'all stop talking to me... Then I thought, perhaps, there was something wrong with Blogger. I know, I know, not at all smart of me...

A BIG "thank you!" to Fun Joel for pointing out the error of my ways.

Moderating has been turned off. Feel free to laugh at me below.


At 9:54 PM, December 26, 2005, Blogger Konrad West said...

Ha! That's funny. And I thought you must have been cranky from some nasty comments!

At 11:58 PM, December 26, 2005, Blogger writergurl said...

Nope, not cranky... just dumb about most things having to do with code.

Besides, there were no nasty comments.

At 12:10 AM, December 27, 2005, Blogger Patrick J. Rodio said...

Hey, thanks for linking me. you're linked on my blog as well, and glad you figured out the comment thingee. I just thiought you didn't like me.

At 1:41 AM, December 27, 2005, Blogger writergurl said...

Nah, Patrick, you seem cool to me. Sorry about the misunderstanding with my comment on your blog. I hope we're cool now. Thanks for sticking with me as I bumble about my little blog here.

At 9:02 PM, December 27, 2005, Blogger ScriptWeaver said...

And here I thought you were just being snobby. My Christmas was slightly less jovial because of it, but now my New Years can rock!

At 2:26 AM, December 28, 2005, Blogger writergurl said...

SW... snobby? Me? Nah... just thick in the head sometimes.


At 2:30 AM, December 28, 2005, Blogger writergurl said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 9:08 PM, December 28, 2005, Blogger Patrick J. Rodio said...

Oh, by the way, we are very cool.

At 1:13 AM, December 30, 2005, Blogger writergurl said...


Happy new Year to you too, Warren!


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