Friday, April 14, 2006

Asked and answered, kinda...

Just got some info in re both of these contests and thought I'd share....

As some of you may know, the beginning of Writer's Arc competition opens on the day that the Nicholl closes. (Postmark deadline for the Nicholl is May 1.) Considering that it takes quite a bit of time for the Nicholl to cull it's submissions and award the prize (this doesn't presuppose that I'll win anything btw), I was wondering if it were possible to win and hold the Writer's Arc fellowship prior to being selected and awarded the Nicholl. I scoured the web looking for the info and failed utterly in finding anything that would answer the question... so, I dropped the good folks at the Academy an email. Today, they answered!

Here are both my and their emails.

Sent on April 4th from me:

My name is ******* and I'm writing to ask about holding a fellowship that only last for 16 weeks while you are evaluating scripts submitted to the Nicholl. I'm speaking of the Writer's Arc fellowship, which opens their competition on the same day as your deadline (May 1). All this is precipitated upon the assumption (which may not happen, of course) that I win the Writer's Arc summer fellowship. (I was a finalist in the Winter 2005 fellowship, so it's not outside the realm of possibility!)

Here's the time line: Commencement of their 16 weeks fellowship would begin on July 31st and last until Nov 10. Your fellowship would be evaluating scripts and selecting winners during their fellowship. Assuming that I was a winner of the Writer's Arc fellowship, would this timeline disqualify me from your contest? Additionally, your rules stipulate that there be no winning of a contest where a "quid pro quo" situation exists. I don't believe this is the situation with the Writer's Arc fellowship, but I would appreciate clarification as to whether or not winning the Writer's Arc fellowship would preclude someone from entering the Nicholl contest.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Their reply today:

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the Writer's Arc Fellowship. However, I can say that if you receive that fellowship and there isn't any professional element attached to the prize (i.e. an option, a contract, a purchase, etc.) then you would be eligible for the Nicholl Fellowships. You just can't be participating in another fellowship at the same time that you are participating in the Nicholl Fellowship. I hope this answers your question.

Shawn Guthrie

The way I read this (knowing that there are no "professional" elements attached to the winning of the Writer's Arc), it sounds to me that you could conceivably be eligible to win BOTH of these contests.

For those unfamiliar with the Writer's Arc; here's their site:

Writer's Arc

Ok, hope this helps someone!


At 1:56 PM, April 15, 2006, Blogger Chris said...

Thanks for that clarification. Good to know that there are two possible bites at the fellowship apple.

At 9:36 PM, April 16, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Warren, thanks for the comment. I don't believe that the Writer's Arc fellowship gives you a monetary "reward" for your script. They give you a stipend for living expenses, etc but it is not for professional services. You do NOT otion anything to them.

Regardless, I will send Shawn a reply email and clarify it with him.

Thanks for the heads up!

At 2:18 AM, April 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Props to you, Gurly. Just read what you told this Olaf (Although I suspect it is some form of media prank). Give him more hell. He'll soon be off our screens for good.

At 12:59 PM, April 17, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Oh Mickey, listen, I get a laugh out of poor Olaf and his many misfortunes, so I'm not giving him "hell" just letting him know that I'm not buying what he's selling is all, OK?

At 9:28 PM, April 17, 2006, Blogger The Film Diva said...

Glad to see you are doing so well. good luck in the fellowship stuff!!

At 10:09 PM, April 17, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

La Diva, thanks for the well wishes!


At 7:30 AM, April 18, 2006, Blogger Patricia Burroughs aka Pooks said...

You can receive other felllowship moneys -- you just can't be paid to write. As in, you can't win a Disney Fellowship and later a Nicholl, because Disney Fellows become employees of Disney for a year. They're being paid to write, and are thus professional writers.

If a competition prize includes an option of purchase of your script (for more than $5000), you'd be ineligible for the Nicholl.

I haven't read about Writer's Arc so there may be some fine print there that would mess you up, but in general if it's simply a fellowship and they are not paying you to write, you're still eligible for the Nicholl.

Good luck!

At 11:17 PM, April 18, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Pooks! Thanks for stopping by! I've sent an request for clarification off to Shawn, we'll see what he has to say...

At 11:26 AM, April 19, 2006, Blogger Lucy V said...

Hey Writergurl, re: Olaf. check out one of Olaf's screenplay titles on his "conveyor belt" - that'll give you all the proof you need as to his identity...

It's been a good run ; )

At 12:28 PM, April 19, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

LOL, yeah, I got that...

At 8:13 PM, April 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a moot point now...

Writers Arc made some changes. Date is later and stipend is only 3 grand.

- Allen

At 11:41 PM, April 19, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Allen, HUH?

Damn, I just checked their site and your right. They also dropped the number of weeks for the fellowship to 10 rather than 16. I wouldn't have thought that merited an over 50% reduction in the stipend. Strange goings on over there!

thanks for the heads up!

At 1:47 AM, April 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a current fellow in the Writer's Arc, and we had this same discussion the other day -- about whether or not we'd be eligible for the Nicholl. Seems if you receive more than $5K for ANY written material, fellowship or no, you can't win the Nicholl. Bummer.

However, I did want to agree with Warren -- this is an awesome program! I've spent the last 14 weeks working with a really great group of writers, and learning how the industry ACTUALLY works. Amy and Ami (who run the program) have a TON of great contacts and are really committed to getting our careers off the ground.

True, the "reconfigured" program pays slightly less, but the money is the least valuable aspect of this program. The contacts, real world input, and industry connections are worth way more than cash. Unlike the Nicholl, this is a hands-on, boot camp-like program that will quadruple your talents as a writer, and put you in a room with people who can actually BUY your script. I encourage everyone to apply!

At 7:08 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Wow, responses from the Writer's Arc ladies themselves! Cool. Ok, boys and girls, you heard them... apply!

Oh, wai, maybe I DON'T want all y'all to apply. Yeah, umm, so, really, just forget that last line, 'kay?



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