Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Shrub, Dick, and old Rummy....

George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are flying on Air Force One.

The President looks at the Vice President, chuckles, and says, "You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out the window right now and make somebody very happy."

The Vice President shrugs and says, "Well, I could throw ten $100 bills out the window and make ten people very happy."

Not to be outdone, the Secretary of Defense says, "Of course, then, I could throw a hundred $10 bills out the window and make a hundred people very happy."

The pilot rolls his eyes and says to his co-pilot, "Such arrogant asses back there. Hell, I could throw the three of them out the window and make 6 billion people unbelievably happy."

(I laughed my ass off at this.)

Thanks to Kristy for posting this joke at Triggerstreet!


At 8:31 PM, April 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free speech issues. Are you afraid of words. It's okay to voice an opinion, but only if you can TRACK me?

You and Bush have much in common.

At 10:31 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Patrick J. Rodio said...

That made me chuckle.

At 11:01 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Adam Renfro said...

The latest poll had Bush at 32. I'm guessing that's people; I can't imagine it's percent.

At 12:55 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

"American", "Silent Majority", "Hal Burton" or whatever other pussy ass "nom de bull shit you're calling yourself at the moment, whomever you are, I don't have "issues" with free speech. I do, however, have issues with dumb asses from Columbus, OHIO, coming to my blog to make stupid and inaccurate "comments". Since you haven't the balls to identify yourself, I have changed the template and you will no longer be allowed to comment anonymously. Fuck off and go somewhere you're juvenile antics would be appreciated. Try the idjits at 1600 Penn Ave., that is if you can speak after you've gotten your lips glued to their collective asses.

At 1:02 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

PJR, glad you got a huckle from it.

Slack, sorry, some people are dumb unfortunately, it IS percentage. For example: the idjit I was forced to address in the above comment. The coward left no less than 6 "comments" on two different posts and couldn't manage the sack to sign his name to any of them, although he got in 19 page views and spent almost ONE AND A HALF HOURS on my blog. (Ain't site meter a wonderful thing?

At 8:29 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger Lucy V said...

Wow, you can see that!? Hey Writergurl, RU going Big Brother on our asses? >JOKE< (Especially as I agree - you want the right to free speech, you don't be anonymous about it, turns the whole notion into a freaking oxymoron!)

At 9:25 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger Shawn said...

I wouldn't get too worked up over the troll, WG. Obviously, he/she's from the Ann Coulter school of political debate—lie, smear, insult, obfuscate—anything but the truth so long as their side wins.

At 2:49 PM, April 27, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

LOL Lcuy! No, not "going" Big Brother on anyone, but I've had a nifty little site meter counter at the bottom of the page for a few months now. It tells not only where you are looking at my blog from but alos how long you spent and how many "page views" you had. along with some other stuff. Mine's available for the whole world to see,so if you want to check it out, merely scroll tot he bottom of the page, click on the site meter icon and browse away.

Shawn, I'm not worked up over that idiot, I've obviously gotten rid of the coward. I AM worked up over the village idiot in the White House though.

Devin, FOX is not "news" is propoganda dressed up like "news".

At 5:55 PM, April 27, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Ah, well, boys and girls, "anon" has visited the site and he evidently tucked his tail and ran, cause there's no post from Mr. Columbus, Ohio...

Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.

See ya 'round, coward.

At 9:52 PM, April 27, 2006, Blogger Adam Renfro said...

oh, man, without the anon posting, what am I going to do next April 1?? I will just have to be more clever.

At 10:35 PM, April 27, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Oh, Slack, you're a writer, you'll think of something, won't ya?



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