Wednesday, May 24, 2006

One hour of my life wasted....

Frankly, I don't understand what all the fuss is about.

Katherine has a decent voice, but she seems to do best at ballads, and torch singers ain't exactly burning up the charts right now. She's pretty enough, but her taste in clothing is awful (usually). Plus, honey, she needs to get OFF the freaking floor! What's UP with that???

Taylor? He twitches like someone just hit him with a Tazer. His voice is okay, but I'd NEVER go see him in concert. If I want to see something THAT ugly, I'll drive over to the next semi-truck wreck on I-285, that would be eaiser on the eyes than his constant herking and jerking. (Enough with the fuckin' "Soul Patrol" and waving his fists in the air.) Don't he know?

...Arsenio's retired.

Both new singles suck.

I don't give a rat's behind WHO wins.

Yes, that IS exactly how I feel about it.


At 3:58 AM, May 24, 2006, Blogger Lucy V said...

Hey WG, i agree with all that u say, esp the girl on the floor, but hav to ask - if u don't care, why dedicate an entire blog entry to it? apologies for lack of caps by the way, typing this 1 handed and left, baby attached to my tit!!

At 2:31 PM, May 24, 2006, Blogger Jenna said...

I agree, both singles do suck, but that's not particularly any fault of the singers since they're basically handed a pre-packaged load of crap to spew about the planet. I think Taylor would be fun to get drunk with, but I can't see him having a long career in music. Katherine totally needs to get off the floor. Holy crap that's annoying. And she belongs in musicals, not on the pop charts.

Bah. I'm still bitter they voted off Chris. At least he was interesting. And really, I'm just bitter I got sucked into this stupid show and now I can't turn it off. It's like crack. I have to keep tuning in to see how Seacrest makes an ass of himself next.

At 1:22 PM, May 25, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Lucy, honey, it's called being pissed that I wasted an hour watching THAT and then bitching about it on my blog. Everyone I know (in real life) watches it, and most of them DO care who wins. hell, one of my friends had a "Finale Party".... I did not attend.

Giz, you know I've only watched it on and off throught THIS season (the only season I've seen any show of thiers) and while it's OK, it's not somthing that I feel it "appointment" tv.

But. that's just me...

At 5:41 PM, May 25, 2006, Blogger wcdixon said...

any excuse to have a party it seems...since nobody anywhere seemed that excited by or interested in the finalists. Fox isn't complaining though...huge ratings rule...

At 9:42 PM, May 25, 2006, Blogger Scribe LA said...

Yes, you are righy-o. It's like, there are certain shows you don't get, but you understand why they do so well (AI). Then there are the shows you understand (Desperate Housewives), but don't get at all. I basically run in the other direction with the topic of AI. I know, people profess, it's just entertainment - but it's the wrong way to go - to the lowest common denominator. If I am going to waste my time, I'd much rather yell at a briefcase and think about what I would do if I won a million dollars on some soul sucking corporate game show (Deal or No Deal). Clearly, I'm not above guilty pleasures - hello Grey's Anatomy - but I draw the line at the "no talent ass clown" of a show that is AI.

At 1:53 PM, May 26, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Wc.. they're gay men... they party at the drop of a hat... oh wait, maybe it's "drop of a boxer". ;)

Scribe, yes, there are some shows that suck you into their black hole of mindless (and I do mean MINDLESS) "entertainment" but I'm just not one of the ones that got hooked by AI. Of course, I loathe "reality" shows anyways. I have NEVER seen an episode of "Survivor", any of the Who wants to marry..." OR any of their evil spawn.

I'd rather read a book.

At 3:26 AM, May 27, 2006, Blogger Systemaddict said...

Sad- I watched no episode of American Idol...and I still knew the two finalists... about bleeding into the mainstream...

next up- vote for your favorite, everytime you buy a coffee from Starbucks!


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