(Wretching). Damn! I'm a home inspector (day job, don't hate me, I'm praying to quit the day job soon). Anyway, this one looks like it would make quite a long report!
I'm still just trying to get my mind around the person who PICKED OUT the lovely pink trim -- and the toilet seat -- to go with those fabulous floor tiles and the wonder shade (and the black swans in the tub)...
I never know if I'm an "aspiring" screenwriter or just a screenwriter, since I have written at least one screenplay but haven't sold a thing... I'm so confused.
Love those after shots! :)
Wow. Reminds me of the bathroom in my first apartment.
Dave, naughty fellow, you KNOW those are "before" photos!
RKB, yikes... you LIVED with that?
For 350$ a month I didn't complain. ;)
The outside of the tub was a nice white at least, the interior was a ugly tan.
So many memories of disinfectan so little time. ;)
RKB... ok, 350 is a good price but I'd be spending that much (if not more) in Clorox each month!
(Wretching). Damn! I'm a home inspector (day job, don't hate me, I'm praying to quit the day job soon). Anyway, this one looks like it would make quite a long report!
Wow, now I LURVE pink (as you can see on my blog) but that bathroom would take your eye out!!
Love home improvements too - v jealous, would love a project to "do up". Best of luck WG!
Pat, I knew what you did for a living and I don't hate you, just those home inspectors who are knuckleheads... I'm assuming you;re not one of them.
Lucy, wanna come help?
would love to, WG!! Just as long as I can leave my breasts in the UK to feed the baby, I'm there.
Hmmm, that may be tricky... what say we just consider you "there" in spirit?
I'm still just trying to get my mind around the person who PICKED OUT the lovely pink trim -- and the toilet seat -- to go with those fabulous floor tiles and the wonder shade (and the black swans in the tub)...
Billy, there's no accounting for taste... just look at the gawd awful pairings between stars and their mates.
Chppoed... while the swans do lend a certain je ne se quoi to the place, they will just have to go... what can I say, I'm evil like that.
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