Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Jus' a splash of pink!

Told you it was U.G.L.Y!


At 5:37 AM, June 14, 2006, Blogger Grubber said...

Love those after shots! :)

At 7:08 AM, June 14, 2006, Blogger R. K. Bentley said...

Wow. Reminds me of the bathroom in my first apartment.

At 10:15 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Dave, naughty fellow, you KNOW those are "before" photos!

RKB, yikes... you LIVED with that?

At 7:45 AM, June 15, 2006, Blogger R. K. Bentley said...

For 350$ a month I didn't complain. ;)

The outside of the tub was a nice white at least, the interior was a ugly tan.

So many memories of disinfectan so little time. ;)

At 1:51 AM, June 16, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

RKB... ok, 350 is a good price but I'd be spending that much (if not more) in Clorox each month!

At 10:33 PM, June 18, 2006, Blogger Patrick J. Rodio said...

(Wretching). Damn! I'm a home inspector (day job, don't hate me, I'm praying to quit the day job soon). Anyway, this one looks like it would make quite a long report!

At 10:26 AM, June 19, 2006, Blogger Lucy V said...

Wow, now I LURVE pink (as you can see on my blog) but that bathroom would take your eye out!!

Love home improvements too - v jealous, would love a project to "do up". Best of luck WG!

At 9:28 PM, June 19, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Pat, I knew what you did for a living and I don't hate you, just those home inspectors who are knuckleheads... I'm assuming you;re not one of them.

Lucy, wanna come help?

At 7:09 AM, June 20, 2006, Blogger Lucy V said...

would love to, WG!! Just as long as I can leave my breasts in the UK to feed the baby, I'm there.

At 11:17 PM, June 21, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Hmmm, that may be tricky... what say we just consider you "there" in spirit?

At 1:09 AM, June 22, 2006, Blogger mernitman said...

I'm still just trying to get my mind around the person who PICKED OUT the lovely pink trim -- and the toilet seat -- to go with those fabulous floor tiles and the wonder shade (and the black swans in the tub)...


At 10:30 AM, June 22, 2006, Blogger writergurl said...

Billy, there's no accounting for taste... just look at the gawd awful pairings between stars and their mates.

Chppoed... while the swans do lend a certain je ne se quoi to the place, they will just have to go... what can I say, I'm evil like that.

At 11:15 PM, August 03, 2006, Blogger crossword said...



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